Thursday, November 11, 2010

Corporate Services

We used to be called Customized Training. Now we are called Corporate Services.

There is an old saying that says when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. Del Mar College has had a Customized Training Department for years.

We are the folks who meet with area business, discuss staff performance issues, strategize solutions and provide customized skill development training. Sometimes, however, the best tool is facilitation services. Or a 360. Or an environmental scan. Or a training fair. Or grant procurement.

Lately, we have been doing all of the above plus providing open enrollment business courses -- we call it Corporate College. After getting request after request for the ability to send a single employee -- or two -- to our high content performance classes, we finally realized the time was ripe to offer the same level of corporate classes to the general business community.

Our goal is not "to provide training". Our goal is to positively impact performance for our clients.

Every problem is not a nail. Corporate Services is the whole toolbox -- not just the hammer.

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